Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A nice sunday for Toro and Shiro

Brought Toro and Shiro to Bu park last sunday.met up with Lucas, a black & silver miniature schnauzer..that day, i decided to unleash Shiro, end up..he ran like crazyhe kept running whenever i try to approach him..no more unleash session for Shiro ...Since i learnt from the previous experience that time when Toro being sent to vet because of the seisure and heat stroke,...hence i let both of them soak in the stream near by the lake..
what a tired weekend for me...have to bath two dogs at a time ..
*Dirty Fella....after the jogging session
*Horrible Toro with his wet wet Look

*Handsome Toro and Shiro...what a big different between before and after basic grooming


Mason Dixie said...

They look so much happier all clean and groomed. =)

Diana Chiew said...

They sure look soft and fluffy after their grooming.

Jason said...

haha....but last sunday...they really enjoy their day at the park

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